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Export of Products

Export of Aptiv products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Aptiv products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Aptiv: automotive connectors, automotive terminals in connectors, seals, pin connectors, pigtails, interconnects, charging cables, charging connectors with built-in temperature sensor, components for connecting automotive data, single-wire seals, plastic plugs, optical cords, fiber optic, mounting cables, high-voltage interconnecting pads, charging cables, cables-pigtails, charging connectors, automotive Ethernet connection systems, collector groups, connector systems for high-speed modular data transmission over twisted pair
  • Automotive connectors Aptiv
    Automotive connectors
    CMC, Metri-Pack, CTCS, etc.
  • Car terminals into connectors Aptiv
    Car terminals into connectors
    APEX, Weather-Pack, OCS, HDK, etc.
  • Seals, plugs Aptiv
    Seals, plugs
    plastic, single-wire, etc.
  • Pin connectors Aptiv
    Pin connectors
    Generic Pinheaders, SICMA, CMC, etc.
  • Pigtails Aptiv
    SRS AK-2, SRS AK-1, etc.
  • Interconnectors Aptiv
  • Charging cables, charging connectors with built-in temperature sensor Aptiv
    Charging cables, charging connectors with built-in temperature sensor
    Mode 3 Jumpers Cable, etc.
  • Components for connecting automotive data Aptiv
    Components for connecting automotive data
    HSF FAKRA, AMEC, AMEC+, etc.


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